Denk- und Produktionsort
Mariana Reyna & Samra Ghazal Alhamwi – "In Position"

Experimental painting and projected Videos are the mediums through which the artists approach the Institutional Waiting Room, limbo forced upon certain migrants' bodies by european Fortress politics. Researching the body's iconography, the duo dive into time-space questions, rearranging memories to handicraft a highly subjective aesthetic and build together an escape route from colonial confines.

Reyna Mariana
is an Autodidakt braSilian-peruvian artist. Her artistic handicraft englobes painting and installation and has the Body as main mediator for creation. She is interested in aesthetic questions about transformation, texture and symbolic narratives.
Samra Ghazal Alhamwi
is a multidisciplinary Syrian artist working in video, photography and performance, with strong ties to the SWANA region. She studied Media Art in the University of Graphic and Book Art in Leipzig. Afterwards she continued in the direction of Expanded cinema.

Fotos: Samra Ghazal Alhamwi

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